Detective Snow’s Casefiles
Casefile EV-17
Witnesses: Sandra and Ian Rosewood.
Address: 17 Kane Lane East Valley, Nevada - Located on the Northside of town
Encounter Description: Bright lights in the sky and strange behavior.
-2 white lights
-1 blue light
-Strange behavior, including dazed expression, disinterest, memory loss
Voicemail transcript
October 28th, 2004
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Hi, Detective Snow? I’ve been trying to reach you all day. Something’s...happening. Those lights, they changed him. He mentioned seeing something in the sky, three bright lights circling around our house. He went outside to get a closer look. He came back in exactly one hour later to the minute. But something changed. Something was missing in his eyes. I need your help. Please call me back as soon as you--- (the line goes dead).
Phone Conversation Transcipt
October 29th, 2004
SFX: Phone Dial. Ring…Ring…Ring…
DETECTIVE SNOW: Hi, this is Detective Snow.
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Finally! Detective Snow, thanks for calling me back.
DETECTIVE SNOW: I’m doing my best to understand the bizarre activity around town. In your message, you talk about the lights?
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Yeah, the lights. I saw them and so did my husband. He won’t talk about them, but I know they did something to him.
DETECTIVE SNOW: You said there were three bright lights. What colors?
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Two white lights and one blue light.
DETECTIVE SNOW: How long were they around your property?
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Several hours. We saw them from inside the house. My husband went out to check and was gone for exactly one hour. I was making dinner. The oven read 6:04 when he said he was going to check out the lights in the sky. He didn’t come back in until 7:04. And something was off.
DETECTIVE SNOW: In his eyes?
DETECTIVE SNOW: You aren’t the only one to call in about this sort of reaction. I’d like to come to your home and speak with you both about your encounter.
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: Of course. Please. What’s happening? My neighbor said … I thought East Valley was supposed to be safe?
DETECTIVE SNOW: We’ll get to the bottom of this. Where do you live?
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: I live right on the East Valley River on the north side of town. 17 Kane Lane.
DETECTIVE SNOW: Northside. Wait. Is that Kane with a “C” or a “K”?
DETECTIVE SNOW: Got it. Umm, I need to pick up a few things and make a few more pit stops, but I’ll let you know when I’m on my way to your property.
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: You’re coming today?
DETECTIVE SNOW: Yes. Matters are pressing.
SANDRA ROSEWOOD: That bad? Uhh. Well. Thank you, Detective Snow.
DETECTIVE SNOW: I’m here to help, both privately and paranormally.
DETECTIVE SNOW: I just meant that, well I am both a private detective and a paranormal detective. I’ve got you double covered. And I promise I’ll do my best to get to the bottom of all this. But I do warn you when it comes to matters of high strangers, answers are rarely as clear as you want them to be. I’ll see you soon Mrs. Rosewood.
SFX: Phone click.
DETECTIVE SNOW: Casefile: EV-17. Investigation of the strange lights, two white, one blue, hovering over Ian and Sandra Rosewoods property on the northside of East Valley.